Samoa Joe - Muscle Buster

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read
Last night was an awesome match with Samoa Joe and Lesnar... thank whoever they decided to make this happen. I think Samoa Joe has exceeded expectations - took this ball and ran with it. I was worried at first - but he's looked vicious through this feud and was actually having "JOE'S GONNA KILL YOU" chants to Brock last night with Brock selling his ass off. I am happy for Joe.

Here's what I'm wondering - does anybody else feel Samoa Joe feels a little incomplete without the Muscle Buster? I know he basically decapitated Natalya's husband at a house show with it but he hasn't changed anything else and was using it all the time in NXT. It's weird to see him after 10+ years not use that as at least a teaser spot. AJ Styles uses the Styles Clash and broke several necks with it.

I really like Joe but I can call all his moves... jabs, Inverted Atomic Drop, running elbow, Senton, Uranage/Rock Bottom/Book End whatever, back head kick in the corner, Coaquina Clutch. It seems like he used to have a lot more range with his move set. Not just this match but since being called up. AJ Styles didn't lose a whole lot even though it was dialed back... the guy does Springboard 450's.

I guess just like a rear-naked choke/sleeper hold all the time is kind of boring. Even though they are building the finisher - which I like. Kurt Angle had the Angle Slam/Ankle Lock, Cena has the AA/STF thing. You are just watching a guy pretend to squeeze the life out of someone.

A Muscle Buster teased like AJ Styles teases the Styles Clash would be great. It's one time in thousands of times the guy has done the move and was a freak thing hurting someone.
