Can you paint coping?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Any paint applied to coping adds cosmetic appeal to the swimming pool and also serves to protect the coping material. Pool coping paint can last up to 10 years, depending on the product used. Unless you are painting the pool walls and floor at the same time, there’s no need to drain the pool.Click to see full answer. Accordingly, can you paint pool coping? PAINT THE COPING: You can paint vinyl pool coping with spray cans (my preference), or you can use a small 4″ paint roller to coat aluminum coping. If using spray primer or spray paint for coping, you may want to use painter’s tape to protect the concrete deck and the liner beneath the coping from overspray.Subsequently, question is, can you paint coping stones? Just a consideration, but if you have smooth finish coping stones they are notoriously difficult to get masonry paint to adhere to for long periods of time. It may adhere initially but will eventually begin to flake and peel. In this regard, what kind of paint do you use for pool coping? Two primary types of paint are used for pool coping: epoxy and acrylic. (See Resources.) Epoxy paint adheres well to virtually all surfaces; it is the ideal choice for unpainted concrete or stone coping.How long should pool coping last?The surface of your pool should last 10-30 years: that includes marcite, pebble, or alternatives.
