WrestleMania 25: Cena vs Hogan

May 2024 ยท 3 minute read
The 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania had its flaws. It won't be remembered as one of the best, but I was there live so it always holds a special place in my fan boy heart. I remember at the time leading up to Mania, and was just reminded today, of the (supposedly) planned Hulk Hogan/John Cena clash. Hogan had back problems, needed surgery, and had to back out. Thinking back on this, it would explain the CRAZY booking leading up to Mania.. with the multiple title changes and what not. I recently found an interview from '09 where Hogan claims plans were for him and Cena to face off "for the title". I can only assume he meant the World Heavyweight Championship John was carrying, before Edge found a way to steal the title a month prior to Mania.

Now, there's not a doubt in my mind that John Cena and Batista's SummerSlam '08 rematch was supposed to headline this WrestleMania. So Hogan would have been Plan B since Batista went down with an injury. But it still could have worked. I feel the difficulty in booking Cena's opponent is what really screwed up this Mania. Imagine if Hogan was healthy enough..

-Big Show vs Edge is an undercard match, with the two fighting for Vickie's affections (or power). With a slight face turn tease for Big Show, Vickie ends up helping Edge defeat Show. A month later at Backlash, Big Show kills any full face turn by still chokeslamming Cena into the spotlight, allowing Edge to win the strap. Turns out Vickie is still toying with Show's emotions to benefit Edge. Sets up for a decent Edge/Show feud down the line.

-Randy Orton vs Triple H for the WWE title doesn't have to main event the show, allowing Randy to capitalize on the ridiculous momentum he had built over the last 4 months and defeat The Game to become champion.

-John Cena vs Hulk Hogan for the World Heavyweight Championship is billed as an iconic clash of generations, fitting of the 25th WrestleMania. Not a 5 star contest by any means, but a match up worth it regardless.

-You'd still have Taker vs HBK and Jericho vs the Legends.. two matches I enjoyed. And imagine if Vince had stuck with the Jeff Hardy vs Christian plans, rather than switching it up to Hardy vs Hardy just to swerve the IWC?

In the end, I'll always feel WrestleMania 25 was sorta jipped out of being one of the greatest. How bout you?

Would you have liked to see Cena vs Hogan?
Could that match up have saved, or at least organized Mania better?
