'MAFS' Miguel And Lindy Announce Divorce

May 2024 · 3 minute read

MAFS couple Miguel and Lindy are getting a divorce. There has been speculation surrounding the couple for some time now. She is active on social media and has not mentioned Miguel since asking for privacy and sharing wedding photos. Now, it’s finally confirmed. Keep reading to find out what they had to say about their split.

MAFS Lindy and Miguel are divorcing

MAFS couple Lindy and Miguel from Season 15 of the show are calling it quits. The news comes after rumors had been circling them for quite some time. Lindy has been going on multiple trips and Miguel was nowhere to be found.

Lindy Elloway and Miguel Santiago-Medina met on Married at First Sight. They gave it their all but in the end believe they were not meant to be. Lindy went to Instagram to share her statement.

She said, “It is with great heartbreak Miguel and I are announcing our divorce.” Lindy continued, “Sadly, it’s impossible to stay married if both people are not equally committed to the success of the marriage. Marrying a stranger on national TV has been a very painful, overwhelming & confusing process.”

She also said that neither she nor Miguel regret marrying each other at first sight. Although it didn’t work out for them, she says they are both very thankful for the opportunity and experience. Lindy also mentioned they did have a genuine connection.

Lindy concludes her statement to fans by saying, “It is our hope that viewers understand you see very little of our lives during the short duration of filming. While it is easy to cast judgement and make assumptions, please remember we are just regular people who decided to take a leap of faith. Thank you for going on this insane journey with us, and for respecting our privacy while we continue to heal and grow as individuals.”

They chose each other on decision day

When Season 15 decision day came around, Lindy and Miguel expressed their feelings for each other. He said he was obsessed with her and getting to know her has made him love her even more.

They seemed committed to making their marriage work. However, it just wasn’t meant to be.

Another Season 15 couple also announced their divorce for the second time. This couple is Katina Goode and Olajuwon Dickerson. They had split, reunited and then split again. This time it appears to be for good.

Stay tuned for more MAFS updates.

Jamie is a Nurse and a mom of boys whose true passion is writing. She loves reality, cooking and paranormal tv. Jamie has been writing online for several years.

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