Chicago Sky vs. Dallas Wings Prediction & Game Preview - August 6, 2023

May 2024 · 5 minute read

The WNBA season rolls on, with the battle for the playoff spots heating up. The Sunday slate is loaded with four games on the WNBA slate.

The final contest of the day finds the Chicago Sky taking on the Dallas Wings. The game tips off from Dallas at 4 p.m. ET.

Both teams are currently in playoff positions. The Wings are in fourth at 15-12, while the Sky occupy the final spot at eight with a record of 11-15.

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70% Win


70% Win


70% Win


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Chicago Sky vs. Dallas Wings: WNBA Game Preview

The Wings will be heavily favored in this WNBA matchup. They should have enough offense to defend their home floor.

Dallas is on a bit of an inconsistent run as of late and has not won two games in a row since July 22. However, that bodes well, as they are coming off a loss. Chicago is on a two-game win streak of its own.

This will be the third meeting between these two teams this season, with the Chicago Sky winning both. They clipped the Wings in Dallas on Friday with an easy 104-89 win. The Sky also won the first matchup 94-88 back in May.

Chicago will face a tough test to complete the season sweep with a third win. The Wings will be itching to get revenge and start a new win streak on their home floor.

The Chicago Sky have no recent injuries to report. They will continue to be without Sika Kone, Rebekah Gardner and Isabelle Harrison, who are all likely out for the season.

Dallas will be without Awak Kuier, who is out for 7-10 days with an ankle injury. Lou Lopez Senechal and Diamond Deshields continue to be out for the Wings.

The Sky pulled away from the Wings on Friday with hot perimeter shooting. They were on fire, hitting 14-of-24 from 3-point range. If they shoot like that again, they will easily win again.

Dallas will need to improve its perimeter defense to get the win. The Wings allowed Courtney Williams and Kahleah Copper to go 9-of-10 from three on Friday.

Dallas was much colder from deep and went 7-of-20 from 3-point range.

Natasha Howard had a triple-double in the loss for Dallas. She will need another big performance on Sunday. Dallas will also look to get some help from their star Arike Ogunbowale who is averaging 21.4 points per game.

Game Odds

Spread: Dallas Wings (-8.5)

Total (O/U): 165.5

Moneyline: Chicago Sky (+300) vs. Dallas Wings (-425)

Game Prediction

The Sky will likely not shoot like they did last time out. This should allow Dallas to stay in this WNBA matchup. However, they may be too heavily favored. This game should be close, with Dallas bouncing back and avoiding the season sweep to Chicago.

Dallas Wings 83 - Chicago Sky 78

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